Back in 2012, in the bustling city of Los Angeles, our lives intersected at Dogen Sangha. Both seeking a deeper connection and purpose, our journeys crossed at this spiritual community. Rylend's creativity and success as a writer always inspired me. I am so excited for you all to hear his story!
Rylend's Resilience: Discover how Rylend overcame a troubled childhood in Detroit to find solace and purpose in Zen.
A Zen Retreat: Hear Craig's account of their transformative retreat at Mt. Baldy Zen Center with Rylend.
Rylend's Philosophy: Explore Rylend's unique perspective on creativity, navigating life's challenges, and embracing imperfection
For more information on my work, including workshops and coaching opportunities, please check out this link on ways to work to work together.
Thank you for listening!
Coming Soon...